Help protect Texas birds from marine debris and plastic pollution with art!
SPLASh is on a mission to mitigate trash pollution and its negative impacts on wildlife, people, and the environment. Join us by submitting an impactful and creative design that encourages beachgoers to take better care of our beaches and shorelines!
Submit your artwork by March 31, 2025!
Must be ages 4-18 to participate.

Signs are posted along Follet's Island, Galveston Island, and Bolivar Peninsula.
Step 1.
Choose a beach sign template from the options provided.
Print or design digitally! May print in black and white.
Step 2.
Use the white space to design your sign by hand or digitally. We highly recommend including Texas Coastal Birds in your design.
Step 3.
Submit your artwork! File must be in jpg or png format.

Please note that we cannot provide the exact locations for where each sign will be placed. Must be ages 4-18 to participate.
The deadline to submit is March 31, 2025

Bring the contest to your classroom or school group! Contact splashtx@abcbirds.org to schedule a lesson.
Congratulations to our past Beach Sign Art Contest Winners!
Thank you to all who took action to help make our Texas beaches cleaner! Your artwork plays major role in trash pollution reduction, prevention, and education.